Researches said more than one billion people globally suffer from presbyopia and half of thm do not own eyeglasses to help them see. Extrapolating from Us census data on world population, research Brien Holden and colleagues estimated the number of presbyopia cases globally to grow 1.8 billion by 2050, adding to the demand for eyeglasses.
presbyopia the condition in which the eye's lens loses flexibility, blurring objects close by, commonly afflicts by elderly. Without intervention to make spectacles more accessible, the global number of individual who will have a disability associated with uncorrected presbyopia is predicted to grow to 563 million people by 2020.
A second study for presbyopia in the journal predicted a jumper in the number of US cases of diabetes related vision loss. Case of diabetic retinopathy, in which the disease damages small blood vessels in retina, will climb to 16 million Us by 2050 from 5.5 million in 2004.