Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Fatty liver

Myth about fatty liver : it is not a disease specific to drinkers or fat people. Thin people or those of average build can also get fatty liver. In fact, people can develop fatty liver even if they do not experience any health conditions such as obesity or diabetes.

Today, many adults and even children have increased fat in their liver cell, giving rise to fatty liver. The liver is not unlike a garbage disposal. It acts like a filter, refining and detoxifying everything we eat, breathe and absorb through our skin, and acts as our body's internal chemical power plant.

A rich natural source of iron, calcium, vitamin E, beta carotene, chlorophyll, antioxidants, vitamin B12 and fat-free proteins, the spirulina is believed to offer many health benefits.Fat in the liver is not only axcess by eating fatty food alone.

FAtty liver occurs when there is a breakdown in the fat metabolism function of the liver which may cause fat to accumulate in the liver cells. The liver may have lost its ability to change these fats into a form that can be eliminated easily. Most patients diagnosed with fatty liver learn about their condition when they go under going medical test for other reasons.