Wednesday, April 1, 2009

More on fatty liver

Who is at risk of fatty liver?
Risk factors commonly linked to fatty liver disease are:
  • overweight (body mass index of 25 - 30 )
  • obesity (body mass index above 30)
  • diabetes
  • elevated triglyceride levels
How is fatty liver treated?
Non alcoholic steatohepatitisis (NASH) is similar to alcoholic disease but can also occur in people who drink little or no alcohol. There are no medical or surgical treatment for fatty liver but there are steps you can take to prevent or reverse some damage. In general, if you have fatty liver, and in particular if you have NASH, you should:
  • lose weight safely. this means losing no more than 0.45kg to 0.9kg a week.
  • Lower your triglycerides, through diet, medication or both
  • avoid alcohol
  • control your diabetes, if you have it
  • eat a balanced, healthy diet
  • go for checkups for liver care.

source: Amerika liver foundation