Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Nutrients For Eyes
The retina could be likened to the film of a camera. It is a membrane containing photoreceptor nerve cells that line the inside back of wall of the eye. The photoreceptor nerve change the light rays into electrical impulses and sends them through the optic nerve to the brain where an image is perceived. The center of retina, called macula, is very sensitive and responsible for sharp vision.
Diabetes may hamper brain Function
How ever, it was not clear how diabetes might influnce brain function, but the effect of the disease on blood vessels may be a factor. Some researchers have proposed that insulin and blood sugar regulation and variability could also play a role.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Believe it or not, there are quite a few people out there who don't exactly know what diabetes is. Diabetes is a disorder characterised by hyperglycemia or elevated blood glucose (blood sugar). When the amount of sugar in our bloods runs too low or to high it is quite typical for anyone to not feel very well.
Diabetes is a term generally used when speaking of a person who has a blood sugar level that is consistently high. Millions of people have diabetes; however most of them do not realize it. In the long term, diabetes can cause complications in the kidneys, eyes, heart, nerves and blood vessels.
There are two types of diabetes - Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 diabetes (insulin deficiency) means there is not enough insulin being produced. Type 2 diabetes (insulin resistance) occurs when there is plenty of insulin being produced but cells in our bodies are very resistant to its action, which in turn causes your blood sugar to consistently be high.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Healthy eating habits
- Clear your mind of false beliefs. the way you think and feel about your food determines how you eat
- Include an item from each food froup to enjoy a balance meal. Among popular food group include grains, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, protein and oils. Choose to eat a portion of each item from your meal.
- Stop eating when you are full. Drink plenty of water before you become thirsty, as a thirsty blood is already partially dehydrated.
- Eat different combination from each food group throughout the day. Think about balance and appropriate proportions with each meal and snack.
- Only eat when you feel hungry and stop eating when you are full. Eat every four hours to keep your body from starvation mode.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Scans may be deceiving
Many doctors own scanners, which provide an incentive to offer to scans to their patients. And so, in what is often an irresistible feedback loop, patients who are in pain often demands scans hoping to find out what is wrong, doctors are tempted to offer scans to those patients, it is common for doctors and patients to assume that any abnormalities found are the reason for the pain.
But in many cases, it is just not known whether what is seen on a scan is the cause of the pain. The problem is that all too often, no one knows what is normal because we see something in scan and we assume causation without any idea of how common the abnormality in the population is.
Today, with more scans for everything from headaches to foot aches, more are left in medical lurch, or with unnecessary or sometimes even harmful treatments, including surgery.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
More on fatty liver
Risk factors commonly linked to fatty liver disease are:
- overweight (body mass index of 25 - 30 )
- obesity (body mass index above 30)
- diabetes
- elevated triglyceride levels
Non alcoholic steatohepatitisis (NASH) is similar to alcoholic disease but can also occur in people who drink little or no alcohol. There are no medical or surgical treatment for fatty liver but there are steps you can take to prevent or reverse some damage. In general, if you have fatty liver, and in particular if you have NASH, you should:
- lose weight safely. this means losing no more than 0.45kg to 0.9kg a week.
- Lower your triglycerides, through diet, medication or both
- avoid alcohol
- control your diabetes, if you have it
- eat a balanced, healthy diet
- go for checkups for liver care.
source: Amerika liver foundation
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Fatty liver
Today, many adults and even children have increased fat in their liver cell, giving rise to fatty liver. The liver is not unlike a garbage disposal. It acts like a filter, refining and detoxifying everything we eat, breathe and absorb through our skin, and acts as our body's internal chemical power plant.
A rich natural source of iron, calcium, vitamin E, beta carotene, chlorophyll, antioxidants, vitamin B12 and fat-free proteins, the spirulina is believed to offer many health benefits.Fat in the liver is not only axcess by eating fatty food alone.
FAtty liver occurs when there is a breakdown in the fat metabolism function of the liver which may cause fat to accumulate in the liver cells. The liver may have lost its ability to change these fats into a form that can be eliminated easily. Most patients diagnosed with fatty liver learn about their condition when they go under going medical test for other reasons.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Presbyopia cases on rise
presbyopia the condition in which the eye's lens loses flexibility, blurring objects close by, commonly afflicts by elderly. Without intervention to make spectacles more accessible, the global number of individual who will have a disability associated with uncorrected presbyopia is predicted to grow to 563 million people by 2020.
A second study for presbyopia in the journal predicted a jumper in the number of US cases of diabetes related vision loss. Case of diabetic retinopathy, in which the disease damages small blood vessels in retina, will climb to 16 million Us by 2050 from 5.5 million in 2004.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Stressful workplaces
In economies everywhere people are spending more time at work, sometime at the expense of personal health and wellbeing. It said a significant number of people also believed that the state of their health was at risk because of stressfull workplaces conditions. Not only do employees see their health being affected, but they expect employers to actively address the issue.
While the majority of workers polled said their health was their employer's responsiblility, not everyone is asking for access to a gym, flexible hours or nutrition classes. The survey shows that that employess said workplace stress could be reduced by better communication between staff and management, and recognising individual achievement.
Employers can play a pivotal role in improving the health and fittness of their workers by introducing incentives and programmes to keep staff encouraged, motivated and productive. In a tight labour market, employee incentives are also a key tool in recruiting and retaining staff.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Jump, and jump again for good health
The trampoline surface absorbs 80 percent of the shock, protectiong the joints while giving your muscles a good workout. Repeated jumping on the trampoline helps to strengthen the musculoskeletal system by putting bones under slight stress repeatedly.
Another plus is that it burns 700 calories in an hour, making it abig workout hit in Mexico, Chile and Argentina. But aside from being fun to do, rebounding raises the muscle strength of lower limbs, increases and improves body balance, and the contraction of stabilisers.
Before you even step onto a mini trampoline, you ought to check its sturdiness by inspecting the frame and the surface for signs of wear and tear. This is especially importance if the mini trampoline you used is not the new.
There are some other precautions to take when using a mini trampoline. When stepping onto trampoline, step forward, but when exiting, remember to take step backward. Usually after a session on trampoline, people are little disoriented from jumping and might fall if they exit by stepping forward.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Stay Long And Healthy
For example, did you know that working in aroom with a great view may help you live longer? or that women generally live longer than men? Starting from an average life span of 70, read thrugh the following factrs and adds the recommended number of years if that factors applies t you....
- Having Faith + 7 years
More than 1000 studies have proved a link between faith and longevity. Scientists at the university of Iowa in the USA found those who attended religious services at least nce a week were 35 per cent more likely to live longer than who never attended church or other faith based event..
2. Being female +10 years
Wmen outlive men in nearly all countries, usually by about 10 per cent of the average life span. Aside from environmental and genetic reasons, the male hormone testosterone has been asociated with aggressive and cmpetitive behaviour, leading to an increased chance an early death due to violence, accidents and risk taking.
At high levels, testosterone can lower "good" chlesterol levels that help to prtect against heart disease
Friday, March 13, 2009
What Is Chromotherapy
Chromotherapy can also be alternative to chinese acupuncture, achieving the same results as un blocking energy points without the discomfort of needles. Here some of the effects of colours n the body.
Green clams the nerves system, fights irritability, insomnia and can assist in recovery frm nervous breakdowns.
Read affects the heart by increasing pulse rate and can help develop excitment and sensuality.
Blue has anti inflammatory and muscle relaxing effects, and fightsphysical and metal tension and is used to assist in relaxation.
White provides energy and balances chronobiological rhythm by stimulating the production of serotonin, a substance which regulates both sleep and the nervous system
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Mouthwash And Cancer
The alcohol in mouthwashes allows cancer causing substances such as nicotine to penetrate the lining of the mouth easily.
If results in a toxic breakdown product of alcohol called acetaldehyde - another carcinogen - which can accumulate in the oral cavity when swished arund the mouth.
The evidence was based on an international study of 3,210 people, which found daily mouthwash a " significant risk factor" for head and neck cancer. The effects were worse in smokers who had a nine fold increase in risk of cancers of oral cavity, pharynx and larynx. Those who drank alcohol were more than five times at risk.
However, British Dental Association and Cancer Research UK cautioned that more research was needed to confirm the findings.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Cardiovascular disease
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a major cause of people death in this world; it is about 30 percent of death globally.
Cardiovascular disease or can be descript in more details as a disease of heart and blood vessels. There are several risk factors for cardiovascular disease that can be list down and to take procreations about. Some of them can be modified, treated or controllers' and some can't.
The higher risk factor you have, the greater chances of developing cardiovascular risk. The risk factors that can't be changed are age, gander and heredity.
You can prevent the cardiovascular disease by control the tobacco smoke, cholesterol, pressures and physical inactivity.
Diet wise, a well balance meal with lots of fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains is advised.
Depression and Neck Pain
Neck pain (or cervicalgia) is a common problem, with two-thirds of the population having neck pain at some point in their lives. Reasons of neck pain could be simply into several categories:-
- " Spendylosis
- " Spiral stress
- " Spinal disc herniation
- " Severe degeneration
More people usually suffer the neck pain cause of stress- physical and emotional stress.
Neck pain - psychological distress and anxiety are closed linked to persistent neck pain. Researchers at university of Gottingen, German, studied 488 patients who had suffered at least one episode of neck pain.
More than half of subjects (56 per cent) reported neck pain on the day they completed the questionnaire and 26 percent had constant neck pain during the past year. Based on their responses to a standard assessment questionnaire, 20 percent of subject was classified as having a depressive mood, and 28 percent were found to be anxious, the researchers report in the journal BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders.
They said individual with depressive mood or anxiety were highly likely to have the highest level of neck pain. The results, the researchers say suggest that that the degree of neck pain is related to the degree of psychological distress.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Rheumatoid arthritis
Hence it is advisable that keeps a food diary and if her condition worsens after eating particular foods, it is best to avoid it. The same goes for food that improves Rheumatoid arthritis such as fiber and fish. Try to eat them more regularly.
Oily fish and fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acid derivatives, especially eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid, which inhibit the formation of inflammatory compounds (Rheumatoid arthritis).
It is important to understand that although home remedies such as cold packs, rest and elevation may make Rheumatoid arthritis patients feel somewhat better, these will not prevent the progressive destruction of the joints(Rheumatoid arthritis patients).
It is advisable to supplement Rheumatoid arthritis patients with fish oil and evening primrose oil
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Alzheimer's disease
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a slowly progressive disease of the brain that is characterized by impairment of memory and eventually by disturbances in reasoning, planning, language, and perception. Many scientists believe that Alzheimer's disease results from an increase in the production or accumulation of a specific protein (beta-amyloid protein) in the brain that leads to nerve cell death.
Drinking apple juice helps slow the accumulation of the protein fragments that damage the brain in Alzheimer's disease.
The protein fragments, known as beta amyloidal, are the building blocks of the plaque that forms in the brains of people with Alzheimer's disease. The finding doesn't suggest that Alzheimer's disease. Can be treated by gulping liters of apple juice, but they do point to the importance of long term nutrition in preventing ageing related changes like those Alzheimer's disease.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Medical Tips
How to fight aging
Are you anxious
Care for your heart while sleeping
How to avoid cancer by smoking
Avoid eye problem
How to beat asthma
Losing weight
How to combat fatigue
Protect yourself against cancer
Prevent high blood pressure
For more information please download the full document by click the link
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
vitamin and mineral
Good nutrition is much more than something to fill your stomach, what important feature is good diet that contains necessary vitamins and minerals.
Vitamin and mineral are essential nutrients in our food. These nutrients can be obtained from many sources such as fruits, vegetable, and whole grains. Vitamins and minerals are important for the body function and body health. The defiance in vitamins and mineral can lead to various problems, namely amnesiac, anemia and poor immune functions. Besides that, the balance diet that contains the combination of vitamins and minerals is good for optimum health.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Sleep, Is that important...
Sleep is the natural state of bodily rest observed in human. Anxiety and sleep are not great soul mates. Nothing is more frustrating than cannot sleep properly. This means that when we're confronted by global climate of anxiety, as we are at the moment; increasing numbers of people start the day feeling exhausted.
To have great sleep, try to avoid unnecessary sleep. Only sleep when you feel sleepy. By doing that you can have a great quality sleep, you would not always wake up on the bed. When on the bad, if you still not fall for sleep in 20 or 30 minutes wake up from bed and try to do something that boring until you feel sleepy. May be you can read a book, have a cup of hot chocolate. Beside that make sure the light is not so bright.
A recent five years study by Finnish institute of occupational health indicated that people who suffer from anxiety can experience disturbed sleep for at least six month.
Hear some tips of how your daily day should be.
Make sure you're tired. Regular physical exercise counteracts depression and anxiety, as studies have shown and helps you to sleep. Create a sleeping room. Sometime you need a peace and quiet atmosphere. Use comfortable mattress and make your bedroom more convenient to sleep.